The Hurunui Trails Trust is seeking a new Trustee to join the Trust, preferably from the Amberley/Waipara area. This is a voluntary role. The governance group meet every two months and oversee the work carried out by it’s coordinator and local working groups throughout the Hurunui district.
The Hurunui Trails Trust was created by a group of enthusiasts with a passion for walking and cycling trails throughout the Hurunui District acting as the umbrella organisation to encourage a collaborative and strategic approach to growing the many opportunities.
The Hurunui Trails Trust was registered with the Charities Commission in April 2009 and is the lead agency in supporting the Hurunui District Council’s Walking and Cycling Strategy.
The Trust’s vision is to provide a coordinated approach to the development of cycling and walking trails throughout the region taking advantage of the growing interest in these activities for recreation.
In a governance role, the Trust enables projects that will enhance and expand cycling and walking trails, as outlined in its Strategic Plan 2017.
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